Save your money right now using mobile app VoIPVodaSave your money right now using mobile app VoIPVoda, the best Android calling solution. VoIPVoda o
Save your money right now using mobile app VoIPVoda
Save your money right now using mobile app VoIPVoda, the best Android calling solution. VoIPVoda offers a substantial cost savings over traditional long distance telephone calls, enjoy the cheapest international calls and free roaming.
When you travel abroad, forget the enormous roaming charges. Connect to Internet using 3G, Wi-Fi and use VoIPVoda credit to make cheap calls. Free travel Roaming with VoIPVoda.
To use VoIPVoda application, you must first create an free account: . Download the free app VoIPVoda, install VoIPVoda SoftPhone, charge as much as you want to spend and call at the lowest prices. VoIPVoda credit never expire. You don't have to spend so much money on international calls; enjoy cheap calls 3G or cheap calls WiFi with VoIPVoda calling app.
Save monthly your calling charge now with up to 96% using VoIPVoda. Here are some of the most popular countries in which you can make cheap international calls on mobile: Romania, Italy, Colombia, Panama, England, Russia, Spain, Germany Belgium more rates:
No connection fee, no hidden fee, just charge as much as you want to spend
Excellent quality voice calls
It is cheaper than Skype and offer more possibilities than Viber
VoIPVoda offers anonymous numbers to call cheap, virtual numbers on that you can receive unlimited free calls (the latter involve an annual fee) Free roaming - VoIPVoda. .
VoIPVoda SoftPhone is the best option to save the cost of the calls in your business or for personal calls: family, friends, acquaintances.
VoIPVoda is available for Android, Symbian, IPhone, IPad, Blackberry, Windows Phone.
*Using this app as a default dialer may interfere with dialing 911 emergency services.